• Source of Funds

    A Source of Funds shall be completed for ALL transactions over TT$20,000.

    A Source of Funds shall be required for a lesser amount where discretion is exercised by the Teller or Management.

    Members are to provide the information at the time of the transaction. If the information is not provided, the Credit Union cannot proceed with the transaction until the requested information has been provided.

    Requirements for:

    Deposit of Cash or Personal Cheque or Manager’s Cheque

    • Copies of two (2) identification documents of the member
    • Copy of bank statement for personal cheques
    • Support for cash transactions (Sale invoices; bank statements; Gift letter; Sou-Sou form etc)

    Gift. Where the deposit is a Gift, a letter plus a copy of the identification document is required from the person gifting.

    Sou-Sou. Complete the Sou-Sou form including the Sou-Sou owner’s phone number and a copy of their identification document. A call should be made to the owner’s phone to confirm the Sou-Sou payout.